Here is my first pick of the day this shaded magenta skirt from Express for $49.50. You could easily play on the bright or dark side of this skirt depending on the time of day or occasion!

How about accessorizing with this dip dyed scarf? Available in three colors, it would style up a crisp white t shirt or tank easily! This one from Kmart for $6.39.
I think this dress is amazingly chic! The roped look of the straps is a great detail and sort of gives this dress the "goddess" look. This dress is $169.99 from Bluefly.
Next up I chose this truly elegant silk top available at Nordstrom's for $98. This piece also has the twisted straps and the graduation of colors is like a feast for the eyes!

Wasn't that fun? Another great reason why I think this will be one of the best years in fashion yet!